
I'm a software engineer with a diverse technical background. I have recently completed courses on modern web development through Udemy.

I have been working as a technician, fixing and installing anything from CNC routers to servers and everything in between. I'm looking for front-end developer or creative technologist roles.

I studied mechatronic engineering for my undergraduate at Macquarie where I learnt about mathematics, electronics, control systems and robotics. I then went on to study computing at UNSW where I learnt about data structures, algorithms, databases and networks.


Macquarie University Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronic)(Hons)
UNSW Graduate Certificate in Computing
Udemy The Web Developer Bootcamp
Udemy The Modern React Bootcamp

Find my resumé here



The thesis I completed for my engineering honors year was titled "Autonomous Automotive Wind Tunnel Model". I explored different control systems and methodolgies for keeping a minature model "driving" by itself on a moving ground within a wind tunnel.

Color Picker

Color picker is a clone of 'flat ui colors' that allows you to create color palettes to be used in any digital creative endevour. It allows you to select which format you would like from HEX, RGB and RGBA. As well as change the shade. This project was completed through the "Modern React Bootcamp" course that I completed on Udemy, taught by Colte Steele. It uses React, React-Router and Material UI.


YelpCamp is a site where you can login and post campsites with images and locations. Other users can view the campsites and post reviews if they are logged in. Its built on Mongo/Express/Node/EJS and Bootsrap 4 styling. This project was completed through the popular "Web Developer Bootcamp 2021" course on Udemy, taught by Colt Steele.

Star Wars API

A project I completed for a coding challenge. It consumes the Star Wars API and displays the information in a clean and organized manner. It was built with NextJS and Sass for styling. It was deployed to Vercel. It is extrememly quick! This is because the API call (very slow) is performed once on the server side at build time and updated on a time interval.

Angus Buick © 2021